Wasabi Wallet | Bitcoin Security Wallet - wasabi wallet

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Wasabi Wallet stands as an open-source, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet known for its emphasis on anonymity and fungibility.

Wasabi Wallet is a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that emphasizes anonymity and security in the handling of Bitcoin transactions. Launched in 2018, Wasabi Wallet has gained popularity among privacy advocates and cryptocurrency enthusiasts who value enhanced fungibility and confidentiality in their Bitcoin transactions. In this overview, we will delve into the key features, principles, and benefits that define Wasabi Wallet.

Key Features:

  1. CoinJoin Transaction:

    • One of the standout features of Wasabi Wallet is its implementation of CoinJoin, a privacy technique that combines multiple transactions into one, making it challenging to trace the origin and destination of individual bitcoins. Wasabi Wallet facilitates CoinJoin transactions, enhancing the privacy of users by breaking the link between input and output addresses.

  2. Chaumian CoinJoin:

    • Wasabi Wallet employs a variant of CoinJoin known as Chaumian CoinJoin, named after cryptographer David Chaum. This method allows participants to mix their bitcoins in a way that prevents the coordinator (in this case, Wasabi Wallet) from linking the inputs and outputs. This contributes to a higher level of privacy and fungibility in the Bitcoin network.

  3. UTXO Management:

    • Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) are individual units of Bitcoin that users possess. Wasabi Wallet employs advanced UTXO management to help users avoid address reuse and consolidate their UTXOs more efficiently. This feature contributes to both privacy and the overall health of the Bitcoin network.

  4. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Wasabi Wallet provides a user-friendly interface, making privacy-enhancing features accessible to a broader audience. The wallet's design is intuitive, allowing users to navigate through various functions, including initiating CoinJoin transactions, viewing transaction history, and managing their Bitcoin holdings.

  5. Integrated Tor Support:

    • Wasabi Wallet is integrated with the Tor network, allowing users to connect to it over the anonymity-focused Tor browser. This integration helps in obscuring the user's IP address, further enhancing the privacy and security of their Bitcoin transactions.

  6. Open Source and Transparent:

    • Wasabi Wallet is an open-source project, and its code is available on GitHub. This transparency allows the community to audit and verify the wallet's security, ensuring that there are no hidden vulnerabilities or backdoors. The open-source nature of Wasabi Wallet aligns with the principles of decentralization and community-driven development.

  7. Compatible with Hardware Wallets:

    • Wasabi Wallet is compatible with popular hardware wallets like Trezor and Ledger. This integration provides users with the added security benefits of hardware wallets while still benefiting from Wasabi's privacy features.

Privacy Principles:

  1. Fungibility:

    • Wasabi Wallet prioritizes the fungibility of Bitcoin, which means that each unit of Bitcoin is interchangeable with another. By utilizing CoinJoin and other privacy-enhancing techniques, Wasabi aims to ensure that bitcoins are indistinguishable from each other, discouraging any attempt to label or blacklist certain coins based on their transaction history.

  2. Confidential Transactions:

    • While Wasabi Wallet does not directly implement Confidential Transactions, a protocol that hides transaction amounts, it contributes to the overall privacy of the Bitcoin network by combining transactions through CoinJoin, making it more challenging to analyze individual transactions.

  3. Reducing Address Reuse:

    • Wasabi Wallet encourages users to avoid address reuse, a practice that can compromise privacy. By providing efficient UTXO management tools, the wallet helps users consolidate their funds without reusing addresses, contributing to a more private transaction history.


  1. Enhanced Privacy:

    • Wasabi Wallet provides a higher level of privacy compared to standard Bitcoin wallets. The use of CoinJoin and Tor integration contributes to obscuring the source and destination of funds, making it more difficult for external parties to trace and analyze transactions.

  2. Community-Driven Development:

    • Being an open-source project, Wasabi Wallet benefits from contributions and feedback from the community. This collaborative approach helps in identifying and addressing security and privacy concerns, fostering a sense of trust among users.

  3. User Empowerment:

    • Wasabi Wallet empowers users to take control of their financial privacy. By providing tools and features that enhance anonymity, users can transact with confidence, knowing that their financial information is better protected.

  4. Educational Resources:

    • Wasabi Wallet is accompanied by educational resources and documentation, helping users understand the importance of privacy in the Bitcoin network. This commitment to user education aligns with the ethos of promoting a privacy-centric approach to cryptocurrency usage.


Wasabi Wallet stands out in the cryptocurrency space as a privacy-centric Bitcoin wallet, providing users with tools to enhance the confidentiality and fungibility of their transactions. Its innovative use of CoinJoin, integration with the Tor network, and commitment to open-source development make it a notable choice for those seeking increased privacy in their Bitcoin transactions. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, Wasabi Wallet remains at the forefront of initiatives aimed at preserving the core principles of privacy and decentralization within the Bitcoin network.

Last updated